- Bernus, Anthony, and Catherine Ottlé Modeling subgrid lake energy balance in ORCHIDEE terrestrial scheme using the FLake lake model Geoscientific Model Development , 2022, 15, 10
- Guion, Antoine, Solène Turquety, Jan Polcher, Romain Pennel, Sophie Bastin, and Thomas Arsouze Droughts and heatwaves in the Western Mediterranean: impact on vegetation and wildfires using the coupled WRF-ORCHIDEE regional model (RegIPSL) Climate Dynamics, 2022, 58, 9
- MacBean, N., C. Bacour, N. Raoult, V. Bastrikov, E. N. Koffi, S. Kuppel, F. Maignan et al. Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty in Global Carbon Cycle Predictions: Lessons and Perspectives From 15 Years of Data Assimilation Studies with the ORCHIDEE Terrestrial Biosphere Model Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2022, 36
- Raoult, Nina, Catherine Ottlé, Philippe Peylin, Vladislav Bastrikov, and Pascal Maugis Evaluating and optimizing surface soil moisture drydowns in the ORCHIDEE land surface model at in situ locations Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2021, 22, 4
- Sun, Yan, Daniel S. Goll, Jinfeng Chang, Philippe Ciais, Betrand Guenet, Julian Helfenstein, Yuanyuan Huang et al. Global evaluation of the nutrient-enabled version of the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CNP v1. 2 (r5986) Geoscientific Model Development, 2021, 14, 4
- Jeong, Jina, Jonathan Barichivich, Philippe Peylin, Vanessa Haverd, Matthew Joseph McGrath, Nicolas Vuichard, Michael Neil Evans, Flurin Babst, and Sebastiaan Luyssaert Using the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) records as century-long benchmarks for global land-surface models Geoscientific Model Development, 2021, 14, 9
- Petrescu, Ana Maria Roxana, Matthew J. McGrath, Robbie M. Andrew, Philippe Peylin, Glen P. Peters, Philippe Ciais, Gregoire Broquet et al. The consolidated European synthesis of CO 2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom: 1990–2018 Earth System Science Data, 2021, 13, 5
- Mizuochi, H., Ducharne, A., Cheruy, F., Ghattas, J., Al-Yaari, A., Wigneron, J.-P., Bastrikov, V., Peylin, P., Maignan, F., and Vuichard, N. Multivariable evaluation of land surface processes in forced and coupled modes reveals new error sources to the simulated water cycle in the IPSL (Institute Pierre Simon Laplace) climate model Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 2021, 25, 2199–2221
- Zhang, Y., Ciais, P., Boucher, O., Maignan, F., Bastos, A., Goll, D., Lurton, T., Viovy, N., Bellouin, N. & Li, L. Disentangling the impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on terrestrial carbon cycle during 1850-2014 Earth’s Future, 2021.
- Zhang, Y., Boucher, O., Ciais, P., Li, L., & Bellouin, N. How to reconstruct aerosol-induced diffuse radiation scenario for simulating GPP in land surface models? An evaluation of reconstruction methods with ORCHIDEE_DFv1.0_DFforc Geoscientific Model Development, 2021, 14, 2029–2039
- Chen, X., Ciais, P., Maignan, F., Zhang, Y., Bastos, A., Bacour, C., Gentine, P., Goll, D., Fan, L., Kim, H., Li, L., Liu, L., Liu, Y., Peng, S., Tang, H., Viovy, N., Wigneron, J.P., Wu, J., Yuan, W. & Zhang, H. Vapor Pressure Deficit and Sunlight Explain Seasonality of Leaf Phenology and Photosynthesis Across Amazonian Evergreen Broadleaved Forest Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2021, 35
- Maignan, F., Abadie, C., Remaud, M., Kooiijmans, L. M. J., Kohonen, K.-M., Commane, R., Wehr, R., Campbell, J. E., Belviso, S., Montzka, S. A., Raoult, N., Seibt, U., Shiga, Y. P., Vuichard, N., Whelan, M. E. & Peylin, P. Carbonyl Sulfide: Comparing a Mechanistic Representation of the Vegetation Uptake in a Land Surface Model and the Leaf Relative Uptake Biogeosciences, 2021, 18, 2917–2955
- Qiu, C., Ciais, P., Zhu, D., Guenet, B., Peng, S., Petrescu, A.M.R., Lauerwald, R., Makowski, D., Gallego-Sala, A. V., Charman, D.J. & Brewer, S.C. Large historical carbon emissions from cultivated northern peatlands Science Advances, 2021, 7
- Tafasca, Salma, Agnès Ducharne, and Christian Valentin Weak sensitivity of the terrestrial water budget to global soil texture maps in the ORCHIDEE land surface model Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020, 24, 7
- Macbean, Natasha, Russell L. Scott, Joel A. Biederman, Catherine Ottlé, Nicolas Vuichard, Agnès Ducharne, Thomas Kolb, Sabina Dore, Marcy Litvak, and David JP Moore Testing water fluxes and storage from two hydrology configurations within the ORCHIDEE land surface model across US semi-arid sites Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020, 24, 11
- Zhang, Yuan, Ana Bastos, Fabienne Maignan, Daniel Goll, Olivier Boucher, Laurent Li, Alessandro Cescatti et al. Modeling the impacts of diffuse light fraction on photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE (v5453) land surface model Geoscientific Model Development, 2020, 13, 11
- Schrapffer, Anthony, Anna Sörensson, Jan Polcher, and Lluís Fita Benefits of representing floodplains in a Land Surface Model: Pantanal simulated with ORCHIDEE CMIP6 version Climate Dynamics, 2020, 55
- Yin, Z., X. H. Wang, C. Ottlé, F. Zhou, M. Guimberteau, J. Polcher, S. S. Peng et al. Improvement of the irrigation scheme in the ORCHIDEE land surface model and impacts of irrigation on regional water budgets over China Journal of advances in modeling earth systems, 2020, 12, 4
- Raoult, N., Ottlé, C., Peylin, P., Bastrikov, V., and Maugis, P. Evaluating and Optimising Surface Soil Moisture drydowns in the ORCHIDEE land-surface model Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2020, 22, 4
- Boucher O, Servonnat J, and al. Presentation and evaluation of the IPSL-CM6A-LR climate model Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2020, 12
- Bowring, S. P. K., Lauerwald, R., Guenet, B., Zhu, D., Guimberteau, M., Regnier, P., Tootchi, A., Ducharne, A., and Ciais, P. ORCHIDEE MICT-LEAK (r5459), a global model for the production, transport, and transformation of dissolved organic carbon from Arctic permafrost regions – Part 2: Model evaluation over the Lena River basin Geosci. Model Dev., 2020, 13, 507–520
- Vuichard, N., Messina, P., Luyssaert, S., Guenet, B., Zaehle, S., Ghattas, J., Bastrikov, V. and Peylin, P. Accounting for carbon and nitrogen interactions in the global terrestrial ecosystem model ORCHIDEE (trunk version, rev 4999): multi-scale evaluation of gross primary production Geosci. Model Dev., 2020, 12, 11
- Ciais, P., Yao, Y., Gasser, T., Baccini, A., Wang, Y., Lauerwald, R., Peng, S., Bastos, A., Li, W., Raymond, P. A., Canadell, J. G., Peters, G. P., Andres, R. J., Chang, J., Yue, C., Dolman, A. J., Haverd, V., Hartmann, J., Laruelle, G., Konings, A. G., King, A. W., Liu, Y., Luyssaert, S., Maignan, F., Patra, P. K., Peregon, A., Regnier, P., Pongratz, J., Poulter, B., Shvidenko, A., Valentini, R., Wang, R., Broquet, G., Yin, Y., Zscheischler, J., Guenet, B., Goll, D. S., Ballantyne, A.-P., Yang, H., Qiu, C. & Zhu, D. Empirical estimates of regional carbon budgets imply reduced global soil heterotrophic respiration National Science Review, 2020
- Vuichard, Nicolas, Palmira Messina, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Bertrand Guenet, Sönke Zaehle, Josefine Ghattas, Vladislav Bastrikov, and Philippe Peylin Accounting for carbon and nitrogen interactions in the global terrestrial ecosystem model ORCHIDEE (trunk version, rev 4999): multi-scale evaluation of gross primary production Geoscientific Model Development, 2019, 12, 11
- Druel, Arsène, Philippe Ciais, Gerhard Krinner, and Philippe Peylin Modeling the vegetation dynamics of northern shrubs and mosses in the ORCHIDEE land surface model Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2019, 11, 7
- Qiu, Chunjing, Dan Zhu, Philippe Ciais, Bertrand Guenet, Shushi Peng, Gerhard Krinner, Ardalan Tootchi, Agnès Ducharne, and Adam Hastie Modelling northern peatland area and carbon dynamics since the Holocene with the ORCHIDEE-PEAT land surface model (SVN r5488) Geoscientific Model Development, 2019, 12, 7
- Bowring, Simon PK, Ronny Lauerwald, Bertrand Guenet, Dan Zhu, Matthieu Guimberteau, Ardalan Tootchi, Agnès Ducharne, and Philippe Ciais ORCHIDEE MICT-LEAK (r5459), a global model for the production, transport, and transformation of dissolved organic carbon from Arctic permafrost regions–Part 1: Rationale, model description, and simulation protocol Geoscientific Model Development, 2019, 12,8
- Camino‐Serrano, Marta, Marwa Tifafi, Jérôme Balesdent, Christine Hatté, Josep Peñuelas, Sophie Cornu, and Bertrand Guenet Including stable carbon isotopes to evaluate the dynamics of soil carbon in the land‐surface model ORCHIDEE Journal of advances in modeling earth systems, 2019, 11, 11
- Tootchi, A., Jost, A., and Ducharne, A. Multi-source global wetland maps combining surface water imagery and groundwater constraints Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 2019 11, 189–220
- Zhu, D., Ciais, P., Krinner, G., Maignan, F., Jornet-Puig, A. & Hugelius, G. Controls of soil organic matter on permafrost thermal and carbon dynamics Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1
- Peaucelle, M., Ciais, P., Maignan, F., Nicolas, M., Cecchini, S. & Viovy, N. Calibrating a new coniferous phenology model in the global model ORCHIDEE: impacts on leaf area index dynamic and carbon fluxes Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 266, 97-108,
- Bacour, C., Maignan, F., MacBean, N., Porcar-Castell, A., Flexas, J., Frankenberg, C., Peylin, P., Chevallier F., Vuichard, N. & Bastrikov, V. Improving estimates of Gross Primary Productivity by assimilating solar-induced fluorescence satellite retrievals in a terrestrial biosphere model using a process-based SIF model Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 2019
- Peaucelle M, Bacour C, Ciais P, et al. Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model Global Ecol Biogeogr., 2019, 00, 1–15
- Camino-Serrano, M.; Guenet, B.; Luyssaert, S.; Ciais, P.; Bastrikov, V.; De Vos, B.; Gielen, B.; Gleixner, G.; Jornet-Puig, A.; Kaiser, K.; Kothawala, D.; Lauerwald, R.; Penuelas, J.; Schrumpf, M.; Vicca, S.; Vuichard, N.; Walmsley, D. & Janssens, I. A. ORCHIDEE-SOM: modeling soil organic carbon (SOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics along vertical soil profiles in Europe Geosci. Model Dev., 2018, 11, 937
- Guimberteau, M.; Zhu, D.; Maignan, F.; Huang, Y.; Chao, Y.; Dantec-Nédélec, S.; Ottlé, C.; Jornet-Puig, A.; Bastos, A.; Laurent, P.; Goll, D.; Bowring, S.; Chang, J.; Guenet, B.; Tifafi, M.; Peng, S.; Krinner, G.; Ducharne, A.; Wang, F.; Wang, T.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Yin, Z.; Lauerwald, R.; Joetzjer, E.; Qiu, C.; Kim, H. & Ciais, P. ORCHIDEE-MICT (v8.4.1), a land surface model for the high latitudes: model description and validation Geosci. Model Dev., 2018, 11, 121-163
- Qiu, C.; Zhu, D.; Ciais, P.; Guenet, B.; Krinner, G.; Peng, S.; Aurela, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Brümmer, C.; Bret-Harte, S.; Chu, H.; Chen, J.; Desai, A. R.; Dušek, J.; Euskirchen, E. S.; Fortuniak, K.; Flanagan, L. B.; Friborg, T.; Grygoruk, M.; Gogo, S.; Grünwald, T.; Hansen, B. U.; Holl, D.; Humphreys, E.; Hurkuck, M.; Kiely, G.; Klatt, J.; Kutzbach, L.; Largeron, C.; Laggoun-Défarge, F.; Lund, M.; Lafleur, P. M.; Li, X.; Mammarella, I.; Merbold, L.; Nilsson, M. B.; Olejnik, J.; Ottosson-Löfvenius, M.; Oechel, W.; Parmentier, F.-J. W.; Peichl, M.; Pirk, N.; Peltola, O.; Pawlak, W.; Rasse, D.; Rinne, J.; Shaver, G.; Schmid, H. P.; Sottocornola, M.; Steinbrecher, R.; Sachs, T.; Urbaniak, M.; Zona, D. & Ziemblinska, K. ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO 2, water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales Geosci. Model Dev., 2018, 11, 497-519
- Raoult, Nina, Bertrand Delorme, Catherine Ottlé, Philippe Peylin, Vladislav Bastrikov, Pascal Maugis, and Jan PolcherConfronting soil moisture dynamics from the ORCHIDEE land surface model with the ESA-CCI product: Perspectives for data assimilationRemote Sensing, 2018, 10, 11
- Bastrikov, Vladislav, Natasha MacBean, Cédric Bacour, Diego Santaren, Sylvain Kuppel, and Philippe Peylin Land surface model parameter optimisation using in situ flux data: comparison of gradient-based versus random search algorithms (a case study using ORCHIDEE v1. 9.5. 2) Geosci. Model Dev., 2018, 11, 12
- Nguyen-Quang, Trung, Jan Polcher, Agnès Ducharne, Thomas Arsouze, Xudong Zhou, Ana Schneider, and Lluís Fita ORCHIDEE-ROUTING: revising the river routing scheme using a high-resolution hydrological databaseGeosci. Model Dev., 2018, 11, 12
- Barella-Ortiz, A.; Polcher, J.; de Rosnay, P.; Piles, M. & Gelati, E. Comparison of measured brightness temperatures from SMOS with modelled ones from ORCHIDEE and H-TESSEL over the Iberian Peninsula Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Dis., Copernicus GmbH, 2017, 21, 357-375
- Dantec-Nédélec, S.; Ottlé, C.; Wang, T.; Guglielmo, F.; Maignan, F.; Delbart, N.; Valdayskikh, V.; Radchenko, T.; Nekrasova, O.; Zakharov, V. and Jouzel J. Testing the capability of ORCHIDEE land surface model to simulate arctic ecosystems: Sensitivity analysis and site-level model calibration J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 2017, 9, 1212-1230
- Druel, A.; Peylin, P.; Krinner, G.; Ciais, P.; Viovy, N.; Peregon, A.; Bastrikov, V.; Kosykh, N. & Mironycheva-Tokareva, N. Towards a more detailed representation of high-latitude vegetation in the global land surface model ORCHIDEE (ORC-HL-VEGv1.0) Geosci. Model Dev., 2017, 10, 4693-4722
- Getirana A, Boone A, Peugeot C, and the ALMIP2 working group (2017). Streamflows over a West African basin from the ALMIP-2 model ensemble. J. Hydrometeorology, 18, 1831-1845, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-16-0233.1
- Goll, D. S.; Vuichard, N.; Maignan, F.; Jornet-Puig, A.; Sardans, J.; Violette, A.; Peng, S.; Sun, Y.; Kvakic, M.; Guimberteau, M.; Guenet, B.; Zaehle, S.; Penuelas, J.; Janssens, I. A. & Ciais, P. A representation of the phosphorus cycle for ORCHIDEE (revision 4520) Geosci. Model Dev., Copernicus, 2017, 10, 3745-3770
- Grippa, Kergoat, Boone, Peugeot, Demarty, Cappelaere, Gal, Hiernaux, Mougin, Ducharne, Dutra, Anderson, Hain, and the ALMIP2 working group (2017). Modelling surface runoff and water fluxes over contrasted soils in pastoral Sahel: evaluation of the ALMIP2 land surface models over the Gourma region in Mali. J. Hydrometeorology, 18, 1847- 1866, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-16-0170.1
- Guimberteau M., Ciais P., Ducharne A., Boisier J. P., Aguiar A. P., Biemans H., De Deurwaerder H., Galbraith D., Kruijt B., Langerwisch F., Poveda G., Rammig A., Rodriguez D. A., Tejada G., Thonicke K., Von Randow C., Von Randow R. C. S., Zhang K. and Verbeeck H. (2017): Impacts of future deforestation and climate change on the hydrology of the Amazon basin: a multi-model analysis with a new set of land-cover change scenarios, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 1455-1475, doi:10.5194/hess-21-1455-2017
- Largeron, C.; Krinner, G.; Ciais, P. & Brutel-Vuilmet, C. Implementing northern peatlands in a global land surface model: description and evaluation in the ORCHIDEE high latitude version model (ORC-HL-PEAT) Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2017, 1-26Lauerwald R., Regnier P., Camino-Serrano M., Guenet B., Guimberteau M., Ducharne A., Polcher J., and Ciais P. (2017): ORCHILEAK (revision 3875): a new model branch to simulate carbon transfers along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum of the Amazon basin, Geosci. Model Dev., 10.5194/gmd-10-3821-2017
- Wang F, Ducharne A, Cheruy F, Lo MH, Grandpeix JL (2017). Impact of a shallow groundwater table on the global water cycle in the IPSL land-atmosphere coupled model, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3820-9
- Zhao F., Veldkamp T., Frieler K., Schewe, J., Ostberg S., Willner S., Schauberger B., Gosling S., Müller Schmied H., Portmann F., Leng G., Huang M., Liu X., Tang Q., Hanasaki N., Biemans H., Gerten D., Satoh Y., Pokhrel Y., Stacke T., Ciais P., Ducharne A., Guimberteau M., Wada Y., Kim H. and Yamazaki D. The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models, Environ. Res. Lett., 12 (2017) 075003, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa7250
- Chen, Y.; Ryder, J.; Bastrikov, V.; McGrath, M. J.; Naudts, K.; Otto, J.; Ottlé, C.; Peylin, P.; Polcher, J.; Valade, A.; Black, A.; Elbers, J. A.; Moors, E.; Foken, T.; van Gorsel, E.; Haverd, V.; Heinesch, B.; Tiedemann, F.; Knohl, A.; Launiainen, S.; Loustau, D.; Ogée, J.; Vessala, T. & Luyssaert, S. Evaluating the performance of land surface model ORCHIDEE-CAN v1. 0 on water and energy flux estimation with a single-and multi-layer energy budget scheme Geosci. Model Dev., 2016, 9, 2951-2972
- Guenet, B.; Moyano, F. E.; Peylin, P.; Ciais, P. & Janssens, I. A. Towards a representation of priming on soil carbon decomposition in the global land biosphere model ORCHIDEE (version 1.9. 5.2) Geosci. Model Dev., 2016, 9, 841-855
- Johnson M.O., Galbraith D., Gloor E., De Deurwaerder H., Guimberteau M., Rammig A., Thonicke K., Verbeeck H., von Randow C., Brienen R.J.W., Feldpausch T.R., Lopez Gonzalez G., Monteagudo A., Phillips O.L., Quesada C.A., Christoffersen B., Ciais P., Gilvan S., Kruijt B., Meir P., Moorcroft P., Zhang K., Alvarez E.A., Alves de Oliveira A., Amaral I., Andrade A., Aragao L.E.O.C., Araujo-Murakami A., Arets E.J.M.M., Arroyo L., Aymard G.A., Baraloto C., Barroso J., Bonal D., Boot R., Camargo J., Chave J., Cogollo A., Cornejo Valverde F., da Costa L., di Fiore A., Higuchi N., Honorio E., Killeen T.J., Laurance S.G., Laurance W.F., Licona J., Lovejoy T., Malhi Y., Marimon B., Marimon Junior B., Mendoza C., Neill D.A., Pardo G., Peña-Claros M., Pitman N.C.A., Poorter L., Prieto A., Ramirez-Angulo H., Roopsind A., Rudas A., Salomao R.P., Silveira M., Stropp J., ter Steege H., Terborgh J., Thomas R., Toledo M., Torres-Lezama A., van der Heijden G.M.F., Vasquez R., Vieira I., Vilanova E., Vos V.A. and Baker T.R. (2016): Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of aboveground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models, Glob. Change Biol., 22, 3996-4013, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13315
- McGrath, M. J.; Ryder, J.; Pinty, B.; Otto, J.; Naudts, K.; Valade, A.; Chen, Y.; Weedon, J. & Luyssaert, S. A multi-level canopy radiative transfer scheme for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2566), based on a domain-averaged structure factor Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2016
- Polcher, J.; Piles, M.; Gelati, E.; Barella-Ortiz, A. & Tello, M. Comparing surface-soil moisture from the SMOS mission and the ORCHIDEE land-surface model over the Iberian Peninsula Remote Sens. Environ., Elsevier, 2016, 174, 69-81
- Risi, C.; Ogee, J.; Bony, S.; Bariac, T.; Yaseef, N. R.; Wingate, L.; Welker, J.; Knohl, A.; Besson, C. K.; Leclerc, M.; Zhang, G.; Buchmann, N.; Santrucek, J.; Hronkova, M.; David, T.; Peylin, P. & Guglielmo, F. The water isotopic version of the land-surface model ORCHIDEE: Implementation, evaluation, sensitivity to hydrological parameters Hydrol Current Res, 2016, 7, 2
- Ryder, J.; Polcher, J.; Peylin, P.; Ottlé, C.; Chen, Y.; Gorsel, E. v.; Haverd, V.; McGrath, M.; Naudts, K.; Otto, J.; Valade, A. & Luyssaert, S. A multi-layer land surface energy budget model for implicit coupling with global atmospheric simulations Geosci. Model Dev., Copernicus GmbH, 2016, 9, 223-245
- Wu, X.; Vuichard, N.; Ciais, P.; Viovy, N.; de Noblet-Ducoudré, N.; Wang, X.; Magliulo, V.; Wattenbach, M.; Vitale, L.; Tommasi, P. D.; Moors, E. J.; Jans, W.; Elbers, J.; Ceschia, E.; Tallec, T.; Bernhofer, C.; Grünwald, T.; Moureaux, C.; Manise, T.; Ligne, A.; Cellier, P.; Loubet, B.; Larmanou, E. & Ripoche, D. ORCHIDEE-CROP (v0), a new process based Agro-Land Surface Model: model description and evaluation over Europe Geosci. Model Dev., 2016, 9, 857-873
- Naudts, K.; Ryder, J.; McGrath, M. J.; Otto, J.; Chen, Y.; Valade, A.; Bellasen, V.; Berhongaray, G.; Bönisch, G.; Campioli, M.; Ghattas, J.; Groote, T. D.; Haverd, V.; Kattge, J.; MacBean, N.; Maignan, F.; Merilä, P.; Penuelas, J.; Peylin, P.; Pinty, B.; Pretzsch, H.; Schulze, E. D.; Solyga, D.; Vuichard, N.; Yan, Y. & Luyssaert, S. A vertically discretised canopy description for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2290) and the modifications to the energy, water and carbon fluxes Geosci. Model Dev., 2015, 7, 8565-8647
- Yang H., Piao S., Zeng Z., Ciais P., Yin Y., Friedlingstein P., Sitch S., Ahlström A., Guimberteau M., Huntingford C., Levis S., Levy P., Huang M., Li Y., Li X., Lomas M., Peylin P., Poulter B., Viovy N., Zaehle S., Zeng N., Zhao F. and Wang L. (2015): Multi-criteria evaluation of discharge simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 120, 7488-7505, doi:10.1002/2015JD023129
- Yue, C.; Ciais, P.; Cadule, P.; Thonicke, K. & Van Leeuwen, T. Modelling the role of fires in the terrestrial carbon balance by incorporating SPITFIRE into the global vegetation model ORCHIDEE–Part 2: Carbon emissions and the role of fires in the global carbon balance Geosci. Model Dev., 2015, 8, 1321-1338
- Zhu, D.; Peng, S. S.; Ciais, P.; Viovy, N.; Druel, A.; Kageyama, M.; Krinner, G.; Peylin, P.; Ottlé, C.; Piao, S. L.; Poulter, B.; Schepaschenko, D. & Shvidenko, A. Improving the dynamics of northern vegetation in the ORCHIDEE ecosystem model Geosci. Model Dev., 2015, 8, 2263-2283
- Getirana A., Dutra E., Guimberteau M., Kam J., Li H.-Y., Decharme B., Zhang Z., Ducharne A., Boone A., Balsamo G., Rodell M., Toure A. M., Xue Y., Peters-Lidard C., Kumar S., Arsenault K., Drapeau G., Leung L. R., Ronchail J. and Sheffield J. (2014): Water Balance in the Amazon Basin from a Land Surface Model Ensemble, J. Hydrometeorol., 15, 2586-2614, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-14-0068.1
- Guimberteau M., Ducharne A., Ciais P., Boisier J.P., Peng S., De Weirdt M. and Verbeeck H. (2014): Testing conceptual and physically based soil hydrology schemes against observations for the Amazon Basin, Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 1115-1136, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-1115-2014, 2014
- Traore, A. K.; Ciais, P.; Vuichard, N.; Poulter, B.; Viovy, N.; Guimberteau, M.; Jung, M.; Myneni, R. & Fisher, J. B. Evaluation of the ORCHIDEE ecosystem model over Africa against 25 years of satellite-based water and carbon measurements J. Geophys. Res.-Biogeo., Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, 119, 1554-1575
- Yue, C.; Ciais, P.; Cadule, P.; Thonicke, K.; Archibald, S.; Poulter, B.; Hao, W. M.; Hantson, S.; Mouillot, F.; Friedlingstein, P.; Maignan, F. & Viovy, N. Modelling the role of fires in the terrestrial carbon balance by incorporating SPITFIRE into the global vegetation model ORCHIDEE–Part 1: simulating historical global burned area and fire regimes Geosci. Model Dev., 2014, 7, 2747-2767
- Barella-Ortiz, A.; Polcher, J.; Tuzet, A. & Laval, K. Potential evaporation estimation through an unstressed surface-energy balance and its sensitivity to climate change Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sc., 2013, 17, 4625-4639
- Berg A., De Noblet-Ducoudré N., Sultan B., Lengaigne M. and Guimberteau M. (2013): Projections of climate change impacts on potential C4 crop productivity over tropical regions, Agric. For. Meteorol., 170 (2013) 89-102, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.12.003
- Campoy A, Ducharne A, Cheruy F, Hourdin F, Polcher J, Dupont JC (2013). Response of land surface fluxes and precipitation to different soil bottom hydrological conditions in a general circulation model. JGR-Atmospheres, 118, 10,725–10,739, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50627.
- Chang, J. F.; Viovy, N.; Vuichard, N.; Ciais, P.; Wang, T.; Cozic, A.; Lardy, R.; Graux, A.-I.; Klumpp, K.; Martin, R. & Soussana, J.-F. Incorporating grassland management in ORCHIDEE: model description and evaluation at 11 eddy-covariance sites in Europe Geosci. Model Dev., 2013, 6, 2165-2181
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